Am 5. März, eine Woche vor den landesweiten Schulschließung wegen der Corona-Krise, besuchten die Schülerinnen und Schüler der Attenborough Primary School in Sennelager ihre Goerdeler-Partnerschüler aus der Jahrgangsstufe 6. Über die zweite Begegnung innerhalb des neuen Austauschprogrammes der beiden Schulen berichten unsere Partner:

“Our Year 5 and Year 6 learners participated in our second “Anglo German Exchange Event”. This time, our friends from the Goerdeler-Gymnasium invited us. As part of our learning partnership, our Attenborough students experienced a “real” school day in  a German secondary school, alongside their German exchange partners. The Goerdeler Gymnasium is a state grammar school  (Gymnasium), named after the resistance fighter under National Socialism Carl Friedrich Goerdeler. It is located on the western edge of the core city of Paderborn. The school, which was built in 1967, is attended by around 700 pupils, who are taught by 70 teachers.
The day started with a “meet and greet” in the impressive auditorium of the Gymnasium, where Frau Lambrechts welcomed us. The “meet and greet” was followed by a “Schul- Ralley” (treasure hunt), together with  their exchange partners our Attenborough learners completed a tour around the school, during which they had  to complete a few challenges and answer some questions. One of the highlights was a stop over at the “Schulcafeteria” (school coffee shop). In the “Schul Cafeteria” our German friends treated our pupils to a typical healthy snack, a “Belegtes Broetchen”.
After the treasure hunt we were split into smaller groups, it was lesson time. 1st hand we were able to find out what e.g. Biology, Music or English lessons look like in a German school. Popping into lessons was also a great opportunity for our Attenborough teachers. In addition they had the opportunity to “check out” the staffroom, meet other colleagues as well as the Deputy Headteacher  and Headteacher of the Goerdeler-Gymnasium. Our time at Goerdeler just flew by, the day finished in a year 6 classroom where Frau Lambrechts surprised us with Giant Pizzas. According to Erin and Liam: ”Best Pizza ever!”
We all had a wonderful day. It was touching to see how our learners made new friends e.g. exchanged phone numbers, making plans to meet again outside school and practising their language skills. Danke to Frau Lambrechts, her wonderful Year 6 students and the  staff of the Goerdeler-Gymnasium for an amazing day. We were all buzzing when we left, looking forward to meet again in the Summer. Hopefully one of many more exchange events to come. We are hoping for future opportunities like joint Sport events and/or Art adventures. It is “Auf Wiedersehen” not bye, bye.”

Text / Fotos: K. Kopp (Attenborough Primary School)